Carleton Chimney Services Inc: Top Of The Line Toronto Chimney Inspections
Get a Comprehensive Inspection
Besides offering good value, Carleton Chimney Services Inc. offers good advice. Whether you are buying, selling or renovating a house, it pays to have a comprehensive chimney inspection of Toronto’s fireplaces and chimneys. A typical home inspector does not check these areas and has escape clauses to protect themselves. For a small fee, we can advise you as to the serviceability of your chimneys and the associated costs to bring them to Code.
WETT Inspections
The requirement for a WETT inspection may be due to your insurance company requesting the chimney inspection in Toronto or a real estate transaction or for your own peace of mind. There are many different levels of inspectors, and there are 3 different levels of inspections. A Level 1 inspection is the starting point, unless there has been an incident that will automatically require a higher level of inspection. This incident may be a chimney fire, a lightning strike, or an incident that caused a problem, such as smoke migrating to areas within the home.
Choosing the Right Inspector
When choosing your inspector, it is wise to find one who has a higher level of certification so they are capable of executing Level 2 or 3 chimney inspections in Toronto, if needed. If the inspector is not qualified for higher levels of inspection, he will have to defer to another inspector, which will delay the process and cost more, as the next level of inspector will have to re-inspect the original work.
Choose an Inspector That Can Do the Work
Another thing to consider is if the inspector can complete the repairs. At Carleton Chimney Services Inc., we are often asked to quote on repairs as suggested by another inspector. We cannot rely on his inspection and the installation based on his inspection. We must first do our own inspection so as to know that nothing has been missed; this, again, is not cost or time effective.
We Handle All Levels of Inspection
If the reason for doing the inspection is a real estate deal and the offer to purchase is based on this inspection, you will want to know the repair costs in a timely fashion. If the inspector does not do repairs, you will have to bring in another inspector who does this type of repair. Carleton Chimney has 2 certified WETT inspectors who are capable of conducting all levels of inspection and can quote on all repairs. We can offer alternatives to the wood system, such as gas and electric and we have qualified staff to offer these alternatives.
Multiple Unit Inspections
If you are a property manager and need to have a multi-unit complex inspected, we offer you great value. We will come in and act as a consultant to let you know what you have and what you should consider as the next step. In most cases we can, for a small initial consulting fee, advise you as to whether you should have individual chimney inspections done in your Toronto home, or if this is a waste of money in that there are obvious indications of a common problem that would bypass this stage.
We are commonly asked to quote on the repairs of a complex after an inspection of all the units has been done by someone else when we could have identified a problem common to all the units that would have saved thousands of dollars in unnecessary inspections.
We can offer several references of other complexes we have inspected and done the actual repairs. Our reputation with consulting engineers is unsurpassed. Click here to talk to us and learn more information about the services we have to offer.