Carleton Chimney Offers Restoration for GTA Customers
Proven & Safe Installations
The one area where we believe we stand out far above the crowd is the restoration of a chimney that serves an open fireplace. There is currently not a standard for this application and no stainless-steel liner manufacturer offers directions on how their liners should be installed when used for an open fireplace. This leaves the installer responsible for the application method, which has resulted in numerous fires due to haphazard installations.
Our work for the insurance industry allows us to see and document these problems; as a result, we do not make the same mistakes.
Our Methodology
We have used our method for more than 25 years and have completed approximately 3,000 installations. While we were not able to have this method tested, we submitted it to Underwriters Laboratories of Canada and asked them to look at it. Based on our experience and reputation, ULC has given us a letter stating:
“It would appear that your methods, which include the provision of a hood, fixed in place and sealed and the insulation of the lining system, while not evaluated by ULC, reflect the intent of good engineering practice in that a smooth transition is made from the firechamber to flue. Your method of applying insulation, which tends to reduce creosote deposition, is designed to remain in place in the event of damage to the liner and provides support for the liner.”
We are not aware of any other company having this type of endorsement from a recognized agency. It reflects well on our system and our reputation.
See the great results achieved with our unique chimney restoration system!